
Maria, Charlotte Kerer

My first monthly period
Ruh Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning ? Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
What was it like - were you prepared for your first monthly period? No! No, not at all. Nobody explained anything to us. I was - at the time I was... on a meadow tending the cows. Then I didn't dare tell anyone at home, yes, until I didn't have a choice, then I told them. Then I told them, yes. I left the farm then and ran home to my mother to tell her, yes. No, we didn't know anything about it...Oh, and nobody ever talked about it. Nobody. No. Well - And your siblings - and did you never talk about it with your sisters? Well. ...I have one sister, she was older than me. But she got it later - after me - .. that was the one who learned to sew ... I'm sure she went to my mother. But then we did talk about it amongst ourselves, that's normal. But you couldn't buy anything, had to make everything yourself. My mother made them all herself. ... all those things and with bandages and such things. You had to put them away and wash them after... There were no such things in those days, that was all - yes. Not like nowadays!